Don't you love passing along something that is really good — and I'm not just talking about a good recipe! Would you like to help your husband from getting overwhelmed at trying to find Advent readings? Keep reading today's post!
{All the links to your Advent devotions are in this blog!!!}
Did you know that Advent meant coming? We can use the days in December leading up to Christmas to think about Jesus second coming and to celebrate His first coming!
Today I want to give you 24 simple Advent devotions from Anne Hibbard's book, Family Celebrations: Meeting Christ in Your Holidays and Special Occasions.
My good friend, Macon Newby, gave me this book 20 years ago! I started right in with it back then, when my oldest was just three, and have used it for our family all this time! It is that good! Now you can just purchase her book, Family Celebrations for Christmas, to just get her devotions for Christmas.
You will have 24 family times in Advent.
If you miss one, just start on the day you're on!
They are divided into 4 categories about Jesus:
Jesus — Eternal with the Father
Jesus — Sent to Save Sinners
Jesus — Spoken of by the Prophets
Jesus — Born of the Virgin Mary
You can also have an optional (easy!!) family project to enrich your devotional time during your 24 readings. It is a simple felt Advent Banner. Here's ours:
Jesus — Eternal with the Father
1. Jesus the Alpha and the Omega (alpha and omega)
2. Jesus the Word (Bible)
3. Jesus the Creator (creation)
Jesus — Sent to Save Sinners
4. Jesus died for our Sin (black heart)
5. Jesus took our punishment on the Cross (Cross)
6. Jesus is the Lamb of God (lamb)
7. God loves Us (red heart)
8. Jesus is the Greatest Gift (gift)
Jesus — Spoken of by the Prophets
9. Jesus' Light chases away Darkness (candle)
10. Jesus is the Light of the World (sun)
11. Jesus is the Good News for the Earth (trumpet)
12. Jesus is the Prince of Peace (dove)
13. Jesus is our King (crown)
14. Jesus is the Good Shepherd (shepherd's staff)
15. Jesus is the Branch (stump with branch)
16. Jesus was born in Bethlemhem (Bethlehem)
17. Jesus' birth was a Miracle (manger)
18. Jesus' mother was Mary (Mary)
Jesus — Born of the Virgin Mary
19. Jesus's Earthly father was Joseph (Joseph)
20. Jesus born as a Baby (Baby Jesus)
21. Jesus's birth announced by Angels (angel)
22. Jesus birth announced to Shepherds (music notes)
23. Jesus had special star to lead Wise Men (star)
24. Jesus received gifts from Wise Men (wise men's gifts)
Walk by Faith,
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