Friday, November 8, 2013

Hear Valerie Elliot Shepard's Testimony ~ Daughter of Jim Elliot & Elisabeth Elliot

I had such a wonderful time earlier this week in Greenville, North Carolina as I shared the platform with my friend, Valerie Shepard. 

Valerie and me right after we spoke on Wednesday. So sweet to be together! ☺ 
Isn't she a beautiful combination of both of her parents?
Valerie is the daughter of Jim Elliot and Elisabeth Elliot. She is the only child that Elisabeth and Jim had before his murder in 1956 by the Indians he sought to bring the Gospel to when Valerie was just 10 months old. But I'll let Val tell you! 

You can listen to Valerie's story of her faith in Christ, freedom from legalism, the misconceptions she had concerning marriage and parenting, and of God's faithfulness as we wait for Him (Isaiah 30:15-18 & 64:1-5). 

To listen to it, click on the green link below, and then click download. It should start playing after a slight delay (be sure your media player ap is open; on my computer that's iTunes so it plays out of iTunes).

{Turn your computer all the way up. The microphone was further away from her than it should have been! It may work best with earphones. Running time: 15 minutes}

You might also enjoy the blog I wrote earlier about the beautiful children's book Valerie has written of her childhood growing up in the Amazon jungle. You can find that blog here.

Enjoy some pictures from our host's home, Cindy, in Greenville. Cindy has such a gift of hospitality which she poured on all of us! Val, Emily (my good friend that traveled with me, seen eating below with Val), Missy (who invited me to speak & whom you will hear introduce Val on the audio link below) and I all enjoyed dinner in her home. All of us except Missy spent the night! We had wonderful girl time with sweet fellowship in the Lord. Thank you, Cindy!


I'll share soon with you the link to my testimony that I gave after Valerie spoke, in which I also shared nuggets of truth that I learned from Val's mother, Elisabeth Elliot. 
And psssssssst! I have some news to share with you next week!

As always, I'd love to connect with you wherever you most like on: FacebookTwitterInstagramPinterest, Youtube or Google+You may follow my blog here or on Bloglovin'.

 Walk by Faith,


  1. I look forward to checking out Valerie's video, Juana. It's so fun to read your posts about the Elliots since I have always admired them.
    Thanks so much for stopping by BLN. My inlinkz account ran out last week, and I decided not to renew at this point in time since I'm finishing up my work here in Hungary and have gotten behind in all my blogging tasks.
    Once I get myself caught up a bit, I plan to visit yours and other sites and catch up with what's been happening since I've been out of touch with the blogosphere.
    Bless you,

  2. I found you through another list of Blog links @Days and Thoughts, actually! And wow. Wow! Wow! I am a huge fan of The Elliots- especially Elisabeth! I am so glad to meet you and look forward to checking out the details- look forward to your next post as well!

    1. Hi Dawn! I just wrote you back on an old Wednesday's post, but there is a much more recent Wednesday Link-Up that is still live. You can post anytime there before it closes in about 3 days. Just click my home button on top left & look for "Wednesday's Link-Up Party," in the blog title, or you can click the Wed Link Up Button on my right side bar to go the the current Party:-) Don't you just love Elisabeth Elliot? Such a gift to the Christian community of our day! Love, Juana

  3. Such a blessing to travel with you to Greenville, meet Val, stay in Cindy's beautiful home, see my childhood friend, Missy, and have the privilege of hearing you & Val speak!!! So grateful for Godly, Christian friends. Love you, Emily

    1. I love you, Emily!!! I'm so grateful for you, too!

  4. I think about the Elliots often - its hard not, since I live here in Ecuador. I often wonder about the heritage that they left and what the impact has been here in Ecuador.

    1. Hi Tracey! Oh, I'm sure you do think of them since they lived on the mission field there. You probably know that Jim & Elisabeth Elliot married in Quito! After 5 years of waiting on the green light from God! What godly role models!

  5. I can't wait to hear the testimony by the Elliots' daughter!
    Since I was a teenager, I connected immediately to Elisabeth after reading Passion & Purity! Thank you for your blog post updates AND PICTURES of Elisabeth and her daughter!

    1. Hi Jacqueline! So happy you've joined in over here & thank you for your follow on G+. Didn't you just love Passion & Purity? You will love listening to Val's testimony. What a godly heritage. I try to write lessons I learned from Elisabeth Elliot fairly regularly on the blog because her influence has been so deep in my life, as with so many! Your profile pic is so cute:-)

  6. It looks like you all had a wonderful time in the Lord! Sweet fellowship. What a blessing this relationship with Elizabeth has lead to in your life!


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