Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Mary Mikels Launches Blind Notes Music Singing & Website

Hello Everyone! I have exciting news about my blind daughter, Mary. She is singing full-time now and launched her website "Blind Notes Music," this week at  https://blindnotesmusic.com

For the first time at 24 years of age, Mary is on social media! You can find her on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube at blindnotesmusic. Thank you for following the very beginning of her career!

Mary is now booking dates to sing concerts for private or public events and is available for any size group (I am her traveling companion, and am available at no fee since I am already there should you like me to share a few minutes about her birth and God's faithfulness). Mary's fee is based on your unique budget needs of your group, and no group is too small.

 Mary sings Christian worship music, classical music blended with Broadway tunes, patriotic, opera and she is adding more daily to her song selections (today she is learning "The Prayer," and my ears are loving it). 

You can reach Mary directly by emailing blindnotesmusic(at)gmail(dot)com to check dates for your group. You can also sign up for her email subscription on her site to find out where she will be singing publicly and news.

Mary reading from Luke in Braille
before singing "The Lord's Prayer"

You can read a little bit about her here, and thanks for following her and sharing,
