Tuesday, July 29, 2014

When Someone Speaks Against You & Wednesday's Prayer Girls & LinkUp Party!

 a humility that is still talkative does not run very deep.
 don't be angry about what people say. Just follow God and let them talk.

I say that I love learning about the ways of God, but do I really? What about when I have problems that I continually voice, or when someone speaks something against me? Can I honestly say that I want God's ways to prevail in all these things?

I am sorry to say that I cannot. There are times when more often than not, I am far too concerned with just voicing an issue I'm facing just to hear myself talk, instead of truly leaving it at God's feet in trust. 

And what about when someone says something against me? I have not died to myself if I do not humbly receive what God allows, and instead begin taking inventory of my list of self-defenses (even if it is just a mental list!).

Because the ways I have just described are my natural tendencies when I do not consider the cross, I have been greatly challenged (and helped, keep reading, please!) by Christians who have gone on before me. The deep Christian writings of Francois de Fenelon, who lived in the 1600s and early 1700s, stir my heart to what is good and right. He points me to the cross. See if he doesn't help you, too. (this is not exactly what you will read in the newspaper or hear on the nightly news... for it is rooted in the Good News.)  

Listen to the wise counsel of Fenelon, as he leads us in the ways of God:
"You will be tempted to speak out in a humble tone of voice to tell others of your problems. Watch out for this! A humility that is still talkative does not run very deep. When you talk too much your self-love relieves its sense of shame a little.
Don't be angry about what people say. Just follow God and let them talk. As far as people are concerned, you will never be able to satisfy them. Silence, peace, and union with God should comfort you from all that people speak against you. You need to be determined to do right in your present situation—but at the same time your quick temper requires checks and balances. Come to God often just to sit in His presence and renew yourself. Nothing is as important as lowliness of heart, and detachment from your own opinion and will. Stiffness and harshness is not the spirit of Jesus Christ."

May God help us to be willing to follow His ways, not ours! I need this as much as anyone. I have a hard time keeping my mouth shut. I remember hearing Elisabeth Elliot say, "Never pass up an opportunity to keep your mouth shut." We would do well to take her advice. Oh, how differently we Christians are called to live from the world's ways! Let's pray for one another—that we would dare to follow the high calling in Jesus Christ. 

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It's time for 
Wednesday's Prayer Girls & Link-Up Party!
Each Wednesday I like to offer to pray for your non-confidential prayer request or praise in the comment section below. Please enter a prayer if you would like me to pray for you (and pray for one another!) and I will be reading your prayer and lifting up your request as I read it, or if you just have a comment (click the word "COMMENT" located below my signature below, under the colorful social media sharing squares:-)


If you're a Christian blogger, we all would love to see what you've been writing! Enter your blog link below to join the party! For readers, enjoy the blog party below!
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I'd love to connect with you on your favorite spot:

You may follow my blog here or on Bloglovin'. 

It is my delight to pray for you! 
Remember, God desires us not only to be a believers, but to be wholehearted disciples of Jesus Christ! May we listen to Him daily through His word, and obey Him!

Walk by faith,

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Summer Reading Aloud & Wednesday's Prayer Girls & LinkUp Party!

Don't you just love the chance to slow down and do the things you love in the summer? I have loved spending time with my mama. Here we are in our sun hats ~

We're building a house and where the water is on the floor is our kitchen :-) The scripture I keep thinking of that keeps reminding me that my attitude will be so important in our home (and now) is Psalm 127:1: {I should have read it more this weekend and pondered on it as I was bickering about things that will not matter in the long run ☹, especially as I learned the medical news concerning one of our dear reader's grandchild. Hearing her news put everything into the right perspective (see prayer requests in comment section below)}. 

"Unless the Lord builds a house, its laborers labor in vain." Thank you Lord that your mercies are new every morning!

I love reading aloud to Mary. We have two books going! These are both excellent Christian books to read aloud: A Girl of the Limberlost and Elsie Dinsmore. I read aloud to Mary even though she is 17 because she is blind, and many of the books we want to read are not available in Braille or audio. You can read Mary's story here. We also adore The Child's Story Bible by Catherine Vos. It is fantastic no matter if you are 5 or 95. It sticks to the Bible account, while keeping the beautiful language of the Bible (we read the day's reading in that first, then our other books, and we usually split up reading the books since we have 2 going. One we read after breakfast and one later in the day or at night). 

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It's time for 
Wednesday's Prayer Girls & Link-Up Party!

Each Wednesday I like to offer to pray for your non-confidential prayer request or praise in the comment section below. Please enter a prayer if you would like me to pray for you (and pray for one another!) and I will be reading your prayer and lifting up your request as I read it, or if you just have a comment (click the word "COMMENT" located below my signature below, under the colorful social media 
sharing squares:-)

If you're a Christian blogger, we all would love to see what you've been writing! Enter your blog link below to join the party! For readers, enjoy the blog party below!
♥  ♥  ♥  ♥  ♥  ♥  ♥  ♥  ♥  ♥  ♥  ♥  ♥  ♥  ♥  ♥  ♥  ♥  ♥  ♥

I'd love to connect with you on your favorite spot:

You may follow my blog here or on Bloglovin'. 

It is my delight to pray for you! 
Remember, God desires us not only to be a believers, but to be wholehearted disciples of Jesus Christ! May we listen to Him daily through His word, and obey Him!

Walk by faith,