Monday, December 31, 2012

The Irresistible Future with Him

As we are about to turn the page on the year of 2012, and step into the new year of 2013 before us, my thoughts today have been with following the God of our yesterday (aren't we thankful that He can even use our past failures and mistakes for His purposes? He wastes nothing when offered to Him! He's our amazing God of grace that we serve! Thank you, Lord!), the God of our today, and the God of our tomorrow.

I don't know what you may be facing, but I know the One who knows.

Said another way—for those of us who call ourselves Christians—we do not know what tomorrow may hold—but we know the One who holds our tomorrow, don't we?

"The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged." ~Deuteronomy 31:8

As Oswald Chambers said, "Leave the Irreparable Past in His hand, and step out into the Irresistible Future with Him."

Yesterday, my girls and I sang the following words together of "All Glory Be to Christ," by Kings Kaleidoscope sung to the tune of Auld Lang Syne. You might want to print them and sing them, too. It's a joy to step into this last day of 2012 with you as we seek together to follow Christ.

Should nothing of our efforts stand
No legacy survive
Unless the Lord does raise the house
In vain its builders strive

To you who boast tomorrow's gain
Tell me what is your life
A mist that vanishes at dawn
All glory be to Christ!

All glory be to Christ our king!
All glory be to Christ!
His rule and reign will ever sing
All glory be to Christ!

His will be done
His kingdom come
On earth as is above
Who is Himself our daily bread
Praise Him the Lord of love

Let living water satisfy
The thirsty without price
We'll take a cup of kindness yet
All glory be to Christ!

All glory be to Christ our king!
All glory be to Christ!
His rule and reign will ever sing
All glory be to Christ!

When on the day the great I Am
The faithful and the true
The Lamb who was for sinners slain
Is making all things new

Behold our God shall live with us
And be our steadfast light
And we shall ere his people be
All glory be to Christ!

All glory be to Christ our king!
All glory be to Christ!
His rule and reign will ever sing
All glory be to Christ!

Walk by Faith,

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

I'll Be Back in a Few Days!

I love blogging spiritual posts! For one thing, they make me think about my faith in Christ. As I ponder God's Word, I am strengthened in God's purposes for my life—whatever the next thing He has for me to do—from doing the mundane like the laundry to growing my relationship with my husband or children! My prayer is that my writing helps YOU, too!

It's been extremely busy lately with life's activities as I'm sure it's been for you, too! From Christmas to—family birthdays (below was all my kids at my mom's birthday dinner:-) to writing to cleaning my house—sometimes it's hard to juggle it all! I'm going away for a few days to a southern town with my oldest daughter, Blair, to spend some time one-on-one with her! I'm really excited about getting some time alone with her.
So I'm taking several days off from blogging to spend uninterrupted time with my daughter! I'll be back, and hopefully may even get a few pictures posted on facebook or twitter while we're together since that's so fun and easy!

My facebook is Juana Mikels Ministries or click here. My twitter is @JuanaMikels or click hereI'll meet you back here in several days if I don't see you on fb or tw first!

Walk by Faith,

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas from Juana, Terry, Mary, Alex, Blair and John. God bless you!

Our gift to you is our youngest singing "O Holy Night," last Sunday at our church. Just click here to here to listen.
Walk by Faith,

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Wise Men Still Seek Him & Advent Devotions till Christmas!

You made it! Here are the Advent scriptures to take you through Christmas Day & ideas for Christmas Day:

For tonight, see yesterday's blog here

For tomorrow night, December 23:
Read Matthew 2:1-8 Why were the wise men looking for the newborn baby?  What was wicked King Herod’s real motive in finding this newborn baby?  Draw or make a star for your tree. Pray we too, will seek Jesus as the wise men did.  Sing, O Holy Night! or listen to it.
Below is a picture of our nativity scene on the fireplace mantle. One wise man's head got dislocated and smashed several years ago, but I managed to glue the pieces back and he looks shattered, but okay. Another wise man's head is totally missing. You know what? I still love that paper mâche nativity scene and every Christmas it goes right in the front center of our fireplace mantle.
It reminds me of why Jesus came. Without Christ, we are a messjust like my shattered and headless wise men. We are sinners in need of a savior. No one is perfect except one—Jesus. He set aside His glory in the heavens and came to earth as a newborn babe that first Christmas night and He did it for us—that we might be new creations that will live with Him forever and for all things to be made new in Him. Oh, now you see why my broken, shattered nativity set reminds me of Christ redeeming the world!

Let's pray that we will be like the wise men, and follow God each day—to worship Him! Wise men still seek Him! 

For Christmas Eve, December 24:
Read Matthew 2: 9-12. What gifts did the wise men bring to the baby? Is there a gift you can give Jesus tonight? Is there someone you need to forgive? Has someone hurt you? Do you need to ask for forgiveness? Give your broken heart to Jesus as a gift to Him if that is all you can give. Give Him your heart! Make a symbol of the wise men’s gifts. Sing “We Three Kings.”

Family Worship Celebration, Christmas Day (or Christmas Eve, whichever is best for your family):

(We do the family celebration below after opening presents on Christmas morning or as an alternative, you can begin with the first symbol from the advent times, the Alpha and the Omega, and take each one down, reviewing the scripture for each one. Sing carols intermittently and end in prayer.  

We open presents by the tree, and then move by the fireplace for our family worship below. Terry reads and often has our boys read as well, great practice for leading their families one day!  

We also love to add that new clothes will wear out, and things will break—items offer only temporary satisfaction, but the gifts of the Lord last forever: His love, joy, peace, patience, eternal life, mercy, grace, etc.  We have said this every year since the kids were little. When preschool and elementary age, they colored drawings of gift boxes and wrote the gift of the Lord (ex: Eternal Life, Love, Joy, etc.) on the gift, and we attached their drawings to the tree. They are 15, 19, 21, and 23 now, so they no longer draw the gifts, but we will once again, be reminded how the Lord’s gifts last forever.

Sing: O Come, All Ye Faithful or Away in a Manger.

Read: Isaiah 9:2-7

Sing:  Joy to the World or The First Noel

Read: Luke 2:1-20

Sing: Silent Night

Read: Galatians 4:4-7

Sing: Hark, the Herald Angels Sing

Thank God for sending His son, the greatest gift ever given!

It has been an absolute joy delivering you the scriptures, and preparing our hearts together in preparation and celebration of  our Lord’s arrival!  Thank you to all the husbands and fathers for leading our families! 

All of the scriptures and symbols for our advent time were selected by Ann Hibbard from her book "Family Celebrations."

May you and your precious families have a blessed Christmas!
Walk by Faith,

Friday, December 21, 2012

Happy Birthday Today to Elisabeth Elliot & Advent Devotions as we Near Christmas Day!

A big "Happy Birthday!" to wonderful Elisabeth Elliot who celebrates her 86th birthday today! For those of you who know and love Elisabeth Elliot, you surely remember what she use to say about her age before she resigning from speaking a few years ago: "I'm not getting old, I done got there!" Her requests to speak did not slow down either, the older she got. They just kept coming.

Many of you may remember that I almost got to see her and her husband Lars again this past summer. They had planned to stay with our family for a couple nights, and I had clean sheets ready on their bed, and supper planned.

I suddenly got a phone call that they had been involved in a car accident four hours away from our home. Elisabeth did not sustain any injuries and was released immediately, but Lars had to be airlifted to a hospital and had neck surgery a day later. Elisabeth's daughter came and took her to her home, as Lars recuperated in the hospital.

Lars had told me that Elisabeth's memory was all but gone, and I had braced myself for their visit, knowing that the woman who had so inspired me to walk with Christ, who had pointed me to so many scriptures, who had endured so much in her own life, now is totally on the receiving end of being cared for. I want to be for others what she was to me, pointing anyone who will listen to Jesus Christ.

Elisabeth began each radio program on her program with "You are loved with an everlasting love, that's what the Bible says, and underneath are the everlasting arms." Oh, how I miss her clear, no-nonsense voice with her Biblical teaching.

Oh Lord, help me to be faithful to give out what I've been given, and to be willing to continue to just simply be a voice that you can use to point others to you. Oh, Lord help anything that I write and say be only what comes from you, and may it help those who read by getting the scripture into their hearts and lives, and mine too, Lord. Help us to be authentic followers of Christ, allowing Him to truly make a difference in our lives as we yield to His and get rid of our own agendas by your grace. Amen. 

Below is a picture of Lars and Elisabeth with Terry, Mary, and me when they came to visit about 10 years ago. Just before they left town, Lars wanted to drive by the fair and go see the animals. They left, and my husband and I regret that we did not offer to take them. I was busy homeschooling three of our four children but we should have realized that our time with them would have been better than any "school" we had planned. I don't remember what subjects we picked back up after our day and a half visit, I only remember watching them leave our driveway and realizing soon afterward that we should have gone with them to the fairgrounds.

Many have asked me how I came to know such a wonderful woman of God as Elisabeth Elliot. I was just a listener to her radio program. I was being helped in so very many practical ways from listening to Elisabeth's 15 minute program (the first of which was getting my hair off the bathroom floor, something Terry had been asking me to do for years!!!). I made her an audio tape which was easier for me than writing, and I spoke it into the recorder while everyone in the house was asleep (I was up anyway because Alex was a little newborn). We had just returned from a vacation at the river, when I sat down to read the mail. I saw her handwriting with her name and address on the envelope and I started to cry!

My little ones gathered around as I read it with tears streaming down my face. That would be the first of about 35 letters we would exchange over the next decade. I never dreamed that she would ask me to be a guest on her radio program or that she would travel to my home on two different occasions. It was Elisabeth Elliot that asked me to write a book. Actually, she told me that I needed to write 3 books: one on my testimony, one on family life, and one on order in the home! She said call the one on your marriage testimony, "Don't Dump Him!" She added, "Be sure to include all those stories you told me, too." 

Eventually, she wrote an introduction of me years in advance of my writing the manuscript, to be used when I got it published. (She had already told me in person that the doctor told her she would have memory problems; that's why I went ahead and had her write the foreword of sorts although I had not yet written the book.)

Ten years later, I wrote the first book she had asked me to write. I included all the stories she asked me to include. My agent is still looking for a publisher. (We have had about 22 rejections!) I'd appreciate it if you could send up a prayer right now for a Christian publisher to just step up, and say that they want publish it. God answers prayer!!!
Moving on to advent devotions!!! I hope some of you have been able to read the wonderful Word of God that I've been passing along to you for simple advent devotions with your family. Oh, how it can be hard with all we mothers and wives do at Christmas, but just get the scripture into your husband's hand and make it easy for him to read it! God's Word will not return void. It will also help us keep Christ the center of the celebration!

Yesterday's blog had tonight's scripture. You can find it here.

For tomorrow night: Read Luke 2:15-20 about what the shepherds did after the angels left them.  They took action, and went to see Jesus!  We see Him each time we open our Bibles and read and pray.  They naturally spread the word of what they had seen and they praised Him.  Are we spreading His word?  Do we take time to simply praise Him without asking for anything?  Make musical notes reminding us of the shepherds who went away praising God and telling others about Him.  Sing Angels We Have Heard on High.  Have fun!
I’ll try to give you all the rest through Christmas Day tomorrow, as we all  probably have a little wrapping, cooking, or shopping to do! Tomorrow is my mama’s birthday (she is one year younger than Elisabeth!!), and we are taking her to dinner. Get ready on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day to pull off the tree each drawing and remember what it represented; you will be so glad you prepared your heart to meet Christ on Christmas.

If you missed my Mary singing O Holy Night earlier this week, I'd love for you to hear it here on YouTube. I hear her right now playing the piano downstairs, and it blesses me:-)
Walk by Faith,

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Advent Devotions for Tonight & Tomorrow Night

Our family read the advent scripture and lit the candle last Christmas at our church. Our youngest, Mary, read Luke’s Gospel in Braille. I love how God made her to be able to read His Word with her fingers! There's a picture at the bottom of today’s blog of her reading the passage last Christmas, and you can see how she reads the dots with the page upside down on her tummy.

For tonight’s family devotion, read Luke 2:1-7. This is a very familiar passage to many, but try to imagine what it would be like to be Joseph or Mary. They were real people, close to the delivery of a real baby. Talk about the poor conditions where Jesus was born, and how that was part of God’s plan. Think about how Jesus chose to become poor for us. Pray together, and sing “What Child Is This?” Make a symbol of a baby or let small children hold baby dolls—or put them under the tree if they want to.

For Friday, December 21:
Read Luke 2:8-14, about some people that were considered very “unimportant.”  Maybe you are feeling unimportant tonight. Not to God!  He loves you so much that He came and then died for you. These “unimportant” people were shepherds, and God had a message for them.  God has a message for you, that will forever change your life.   Describe what the shepherds saw on the night described in tonight’s passage.
Why do you think God would send such an important message to a very unlikely person(s)?  Thank God that everyone is important to Him, everyone—including you.  It doesn’t matter what you have done or not done, how much money you have or don’t have, how many degrees you have or don’t have!  He came to bring us salvation from our sins. (and for those who have veered away from the path, the path is always there! Get back on! What better time than Christmas?)

Draw or make a simple angel like the one pictured above for your tree. You know what you can do next!  Sing Angels We Have Heard on High! (or Go Tell It on the Mountain.)
Walk by Faith,

Monday, December 17, 2012

Mary Sings "O Holy Night"

Hello everyone! Please forgive me for not being able to blog as much as I normally do! Between getting ready for Christmas and two family birthdays, not to mention having some semblance of order at home or shall I say, "improved order" from cleaning for house guests and wrapping presents... it's been a little crazy around here!

Mary (our youngest who was born totally blind, can read more on her by clicking this link: sang "O Holy Night" at church yesterday. I want you to be able to hear it. So thankfully, my son Alex recorded it for us all! I was behind the curtain in tears as I listened. We are so grateful for the opportunities God gives her to sing for His glory! My prayer for you is for Holy Spirit to speak to your heart as you listen.

One of my verses over Mary since the day she was born is 1 Corinthians 1:27-29:

"But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong. God chose the lowly things of this world and the despised things—and the things that are not—to nullify the things that are, so that no one may boast before him."

He chose a manger for the Savior of the world! He uses the lowly to accomplish his will! Our Associate Pastor, Russ, spoke Sunday and he spoke out of 1 Cor 1: 27-28. He had no idea that Mary was singing, nor that it was my life verse over her.

We serve a mighty all-knowing all-powerful God who is alive and cares about the lowly! Everything in His kingdom is upside-down. The first will be last, and the last will be first. 

After the service someone came up to Mary and said, "Mary, you got a standing ovation!" Mary leaned in and replied, "You mean, God got a standing ovation!"

Let's worship our Awesome God, it is in Him that we boast! 
Walk by Faith—Not by Sight,

Friday, December 14, 2012

Happy Birthday to Our Son, Alex & Link for Advent Devotions

Happy Birthday to our Alex who turned 19 today!!! Here he is when he was just a little guy. If you read this later tonight when you get back Alex, we love you so much! I'm so glad you're home from college even if your stuff is already lying all over the house:-)

And here's Alex today with our son John!
It seems like it was just yesterday when I was trimming our tree with our little fellas, and now they are such fine young men! I know I'm their mama and am bit prejudice, but aren't they handsome too? (Okay, I know no one but me says handsome, but I like it!)

For those of you who love reading a scripture a day for our advent devotions, I'm going to give you the link to my advent devotions for the next few days from my archives. I know you know how crazy busy it can get, so right now, this is the best way to get them to you.

I'm giving you the link for nightly devotions for December 14 - 17. Ignore the days of the week in the link, just go by the dates for the devotion (they are the same advent devotions year to year, only change is the day of the week it falls on!)  Click here for all of them.

Please pray for Mary to bring honor to God through her voice! She sings twice this weekend, and once next week for Christmas programs. We are so grateful when people ask her to sing so she can use the gifts God has given her to shine for His glory! I hope I can post some clips for you, but in the meantime, you can be there in spirit! (For those new to the blog, Mary is our youngest child and she was born blind. You can read her story here. If you poke around that link, you can hear Mary sing:-)

Love to you all in this blessed season of our Lord's birth.
Walk by Faith,

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Easy Family Advent Devotions for Tonight & Tomorrow Night!

I'm so glad that all those years ago that my friend Macon gave me a copy of Family Celebrations by Anne Hibbard. I love how Anne helps us keep Christ at the center of all our family celebrations, especially Christmas! 

Today I'm giving you tonight's and tomorrow night's devotions. Have fun! My family is downstairs waiting to eat spaghetti and salad, and I made an easy chocolate chess pie tonight:-) yum yum! If you are reading Rachel, I hope you all liked yours! I'll give everyone the recipe this week.

While I cooked today, I listened to Steve Green's Christmas CD. Great music can help us keep our eyes on Jesus, can't it? I can still hear in my mind, Steve singing:

All my heart rejoice tonight
In the dark there dawns a light
Behold the glory of the Lord!

I couldn't help but rejoice in my heart thinking of our Savior who is our light in the darkness!

For tonight, December 11:

Read Isaiah 9:6 where God describes the Savior to Isaiah 700 years before the first Christmas morning! Talk about and thank God for each name for Christ. Sing Joy to the World or play Unto Us a Child is Born if you have Handel’s Messiah. Make a dove reminding us that Jesus is the Prince of Peace.
For tomorrow night, December 12:

Read Isaiah 9:7 about Jesus someday ruling the world! Just think of it: He’s our King right now to believers!  Pray that you will obey your King. Sing What Child is This, make a crown to remind us that one day Christ will rule the world, remembering for those who trust and obey now, He is already their King!

Walk by Faith,

Monday, December 10, 2012

Mary Reads in Braille of Christ's Light in the Darkness

It was so late last night when I was able to read the Christmas Advent Devotion with Mary as she was already tucked in bed. I suddenly realized I didn't have my Bible with me, and was so tired and couldn't remember what Isaiah 9:2 said, which was our devotion for last night.

Mary's Braille Bible was in the book shelf beside me, so in the near dark room that had one lone 6o watt bulb on by the chair where I was reading, I handed her her Braille copy of the book of Isaiah so she could find Isaiah 9:2, still not knowing what we were about to read even though I had written it to you in a blog some couple days before this.

She was practically in the dark where she was tucked in bed on the opposite side of the room. Her fingers search the pages of dots (I can only read an occasional "the" or an "I" here and there!) she suddenly said, "Oh, I remember this verse from when we read it December 9th last year!" (She truly has an amazing memory)  Here is what she read aloud with her fingers moving across the dots from her darker side of the room.

"The people walking in darkness
    have seen a great light;
on those living in the land of deep darkness
    a light has dawned."
~Isaiah 9:2

All I could think about was how Christ not only enters into Mary's dark world shining His light and life, but he enters each of our lives who know him as Savior!!! He is our great light, His light casts out all darkness! Think how just a tiny flicker of light drives our the darkness!!! Hallelujah to our Great God and King whose birthday we celebrate.

My tired weary self was renewed. God's word surely gives health to our bones! Is it worth taking even 5 minutes with our family to center around God's word? You bet it is! It is the life-giving God-inspired  word of God! Let us read it, and praise His name together dear friend!

Tonight's continues with Christ is the Light theme:

Read Isaiah 60:1-3.  We read tonight another message about the darkness and the light given to Isaiah 700 years before Jesus would be born. This passage tells us that Jesus would save people from every nation. Pray that your family will be a light showing Christ’s love with the people you know.  Sing Joy to the World.  Make a sun for your tree, reminding us that Jesus is the Light of the World.
Walk by Faith,

Friday, December 7, 2012

Family Advent Devotions for Rest of the Week!

In an effort for you to have less blog updates, I am going to consolidate the next few days in this one entry (not to mention my house needs much attention and we have 3 family birthdays on top of Christmas!)  I also wanted to remind you that we miss our family devotions sometimes! 

That happens from time to time. Don’t be discouraged. God’s grace prevails! 

For December 7:
Read 1 John 4:9, telling us how God showed us His love. Ask your children if you think this was a hard thing to do.  Thank God for giving up His son.  Sing Come into my Heart Lord Jesus.  Make a red heart for your tree.
For December 8: (Oh Happy Day, It is my son John's 21st birthday! May you grow in grace and godliness John!!! You are such a blessing to us!)
Read John 3:16.  Talk about why God sent Jesus.  Ask your children what we do with gifts.  What does God want us to do with His gift? Sing O Little Town of Bethlehem.  Make a gift to remind us that Jesus is the greatest gift of all!
For December 9:
Read Isaiah 9:2.  Let you children know that Isaiah lived 700 years before Jesus, and God told him many things that were to come about Jesus.  Talk about what complete darkness is like. Talk about what a light does in the darkness. Discuss why Jesus is called the light. SingHark! the Herald Angels Sing.  Make a symbol of a candle reminding us that Jesus brings light into the dark world we live in. Place it on your tree.
For December 10:
Read Isaiah 60:1-3.  We read tonight another message about the darkness and the light given to Isaiah 700 years before Jesus would be born. This passage tells us that Jesus would save people from every nation. Pray that your family will be a light showing Christ’s love with the people you know.  Sing Joy to the World.  Make a sun for your tree, reminding us that Jesus is the Light of the World.
Walk by Faith, 

Thursday, December 6, 2012

December 6 Jesus—The Lamb of God Tonight’s Family Devotion

Yikes!!! Between two trips to the Lifeway store in 24 hours to get Christmas accompaniment tracks for Mary to sing to some people (I'll tell you about that soon, and will post a clip I'm sure!!), getting up Christmas lights and fresh magnolia, and having a ball listening to Mary sing carols by the piano, I forgot to post the devotion for tonight! 

For tonight’s advent devotion, read John 1:29.  This scripture points us to Jesus as the Lamb of God.  You can give your family the background how before Jesus came a perfect lamb had to be killed every year to stand for a sacrifice to take away our sins.  Of course, the animal could not really take our sins away, but it was a sign that one day One would come that really would be sacrificed to take away our sins once and for all.

Those who killed the lamb before Christ were saying that they believed God’s promise that He would one day send a Savior who would be the one true Lamb of God!  They were saved by looking forward to the Lamb of God and believing God; we are saved by looking backward at the Lamb of God and believing God.

The children can make a lamb by drawing it, or simply making one out of felt (see today’s picture.)  Put this on your tree, reminding us that Jesus is the Lamb of God who came to take away the sin of the world.

Have fun, thank God for being the ultimate Lamb who takes away our sin, and sing, “Hark! the Herald Angels Sing.”

For more ideas on how to meet Christ in your holidays year-round, read books written by Ann Hibbard.

Time to get the cider simmering with mulling spices, the whipped cream out for the coffee, my favorite piano solo CD of Christmas carols, and a fire glowing—the Bible study group that I’m in is coming over this morning for us to celebrate Christ’s coming with fellowship together! 

One of my wise men on the mantle has lost his head (his head is totally missing but he’s still goes on the mantle every year minus his head) and my tree has the lights but no ornaments—but those things don’t matter a bit!  Jesus is the reason for the season!

By the way, I just finished tomorrow's blog for you, and I'm giving you the devotions to take you all the way until next Monday. They are each only one paragraph each with the scripture and song, very easy and you will love the simple photo for each! Let's together keep CHRIST the center!

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I'd love to connect with you on your favorite spot:

You may follow my blog here or on Bloglovin'. 
Walk by Faith, 
Walk by Faith, 

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

December 5 - Final Marriage Clip 6 & Tonight's Family Advent Time

First off, today I'm giving you the final clip in our marriage series on Seeing Christ in Your Husband. A critical point is:

If we insist on equality, we refuse the divine order.

I will talk about literally treating your husband as though he were Christ. I need to hear this, too! (Matthew 25:40) Let's listen what one woman said, and what one man's response was:

Also today, I want to give you today's Advent scripture for those who are following along and doing one family devotion per night (or day!) to help keep Christ the center of the Christmas celebration!

For Wednesday night, December 5:
Read Isaiah 53:6.  Sing “Good Christian Men Rejoice,” or any favorite Christmas carol! Have fun! Make a symbol of a cross and put it on your tree. Thank Jesus for taking on our sin on Himself on the cross.

"We all, like sheep, have gone astray,
    each of us has turned to our own way;
and the Lord has laid on him
    the iniquity of us all."

~Isaiah 53:6

I will continue to give you a simple advent scripture a day 
with a simple art idea to do with your family until Christmas!

For anyone who wants the entire Marriage series, here are all the clips:

For the complete list of advent readings, click this post

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I'd love to connect with you on your favorite spot:

You may follow my blog here or on Bloglovin'. 
Walk by Faith,