Wednesday, December 26, 2012

I'll Be Back in a Few Days!

I love blogging spiritual posts! For one thing, they make me think about my faith in Christ. As I ponder God's Word, I am strengthened in God's purposes for my life—whatever the next thing He has for me to do—from doing the mundane like the laundry to growing my relationship with my husband or children! My prayer is that my writing helps YOU, too!

It's been extremely busy lately with life's activities as I'm sure it's been for you, too! From Christmas to—family birthdays (below was all my kids at my mom's birthday dinner:-) to writing to cleaning my house—sometimes it's hard to juggle it all! I'm going away for a few days to a southern town with my oldest daughter, Blair, to spend some time one-on-one with her! I'm really excited about getting some time alone with her.
So I'm taking several days off from blogging to spend uninterrupted time with my daughter! I'll be back, and hopefully may even get a few pictures posted on facebook or twitter while we're together since that's so fun and easy!

My facebook is Juana Mikels Ministries or click here. My twitter is @JuanaMikels or click hereI'll meet you back here in several days if I don't see you on fb or tw first!

Walk by Faith,

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