Thursday, December 6, 2012

December 6 Jesus—The Lamb of God Tonight’s Family Devotion

Yikes!!! Between two trips to the Lifeway store in 24 hours to get Christmas accompaniment tracks for Mary to sing to some people (I'll tell you about that soon, and will post a clip I'm sure!!), getting up Christmas lights and fresh magnolia, and having a ball listening to Mary sing carols by the piano, I forgot to post the devotion for tonight! 

For tonight’s advent devotion, read John 1:29.  This scripture points us to Jesus as the Lamb of God.  You can give your family the background how before Jesus came a perfect lamb had to be killed every year to stand for a sacrifice to take away our sins.  Of course, the animal could not really take our sins away, but it was a sign that one day One would come that really would be sacrificed to take away our sins once and for all.

Those who killed the lamb before Christ were saying that they believed God’s promise that He would one day send a Savior who would be the one true Lamb of God!  They were saved by looking forward to the Lamb of God and believing God; we are saved by looking backward at the Lamb of God and believing God.

The children can make a lamb by drawing it, or simply making one out of felt (see today’s picture.)  Put this on your tree, reminding us that Jesus is the Lamb of God who came to take away the sin of the world.

Have fun, thank God for being the ultimate Lamb who takes away our sin, and sing, “Hark! the Herald Angels Sing.”

For more ideas on how to meet Christ in your holidays year-round, read books written by Ann Hibbard.

Time to get the cider simmering with mulling spices, the whipped cream out for the coffee, my favorite piano solo CD of Christmas carols, and a fire glowing—the Bible study group that I’m in is coming over this morning for us to celebrate Christ’s coming with fellowship together! 

One of my wise men on the mantle has lost his head (his head is totally missing but he’s still goes on the mantle every year minus his head) and my tree has the lights but no ornaments—but those things don’t matter a bit!  Jesus is the reason for the season!

By the way, I just finished tomorrow's blog for you, and I'm giving you the devotions to take you all the way until next Monday. They are each only one paragraph each with the scripture and song, very easy and you will love the simple photo for each! Let's together keep CHRIST the center!

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