Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Choosing Him All Over Again Book Announcement, Godly Wife Prayer & Wednesday's Link-Up Party!

"... by taking the very nature of a servant He made himself nothing..."
~Philippians 2:7

Wow. That describes a radical life that I knew nothing about when I got married.

Not only did I know nothing about commitment or "making myself nothing," I was going in the opposite direction. I left my husband!

In my twenties, I was headed for divorce after only a couple years of marriage, until I met Christ and my life changed.

Many of you know that my life has been greatly influenced by Elisabeth Elliot and I barely go a week without mentioning to you something she said or wrote. I was a listener to her radio program, and we began a writing correspondence in 1992. She invited me to be a guest on her radio program. We taped three programs. Afterward, she suggested that I write a book—and even suggested the title.

I had no idea how God could ever work that out! I was so busy with four young children and home-schooling!

Ten years went by with not a word written on it.

Then, in the wee hours of the night, while everyone was asleep—I began writing it out. I sprinkled into our story what I had learned as a Christian, with the main tools and prayers that helped me to apply God's truth to my life (especially in my role as a wife, and eventually as a mother) like a prayer below that I will give you today.

Several more years passed.

I was blessed to receive a Christian literary agent, Blythe Daniel.

More time passed.

Then last week, over fifteen years after Elisabeth Elliot suggested that I write the book—on Billy Graham's 95th birthday—

We signed a contract for the book to be released by Ambassador International in January, 2015!

{baloons} {woo-hoo} {happy dance} {confetti}

I'm thrilled to be partnering with Ambassador International for the release of my first book!  All I can think of as we partner together is the words of 2 Corinthians 5:20:

"We are therefore Christ's ambassadors, 
as though God were making his appeal through us."

What a blessing to be on the same team with Sam Lowry, Tim Lowry, Alison Storm, and the whole team at Ambassador International to spread the name of Jesus! 

Was it a coincidence that the plans for my book unfolded {we signed} after 15 years on the same day as Billy Graham's 95th birthday and his last message to America?

I was a little itty bitty afraid to even say that because how can I even begin to compare myself to Billy Graham? Billy Graham for goodness sakes!!  I was so afraid it would sound like I was bragging! 

But to me, it is so fitting to me that it occurred the same day as Billy Graham's final message to the nation to point others to the Hope we have in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. 

It was like God was whispering into my heart that He had now given me the green light to release my story to others for the sake of the Gospel. 

With the apostle Paul, I can say..."what has happened to me has really served to advance the Gospel" (Philippians 1:12).

As of now (this article was updated on April 29, 2014) my publisher has selected the following title: Choosing Him All Over Again: A Story of Romance and Redemption. I'll be working closely with the publisher on book edits.

I greatly appreciate your prayers with this project, and that I will be what it is that I write about!

    ♥  ♥  ♥  ♥  ♥  ♥  ♥  ♥  ♥  ♥  ♥  ♥  ♥  ♥  ♥  ♥  ♥  ♥

I'm reflecting today on a beautiful adaptation I had on Philippians 2:5-11 that a woman named Judith Lakes wrote with a twist. She wrote it from a wife’s perspective. 

I want you to have it and let's make it our prayer together as wives who know and love Jesus. We are not capable of fulfilling this prayer. The Christian life is not hard—it's impossible. But Christ in us—God's grace in us is able!

A Wife’s Commitment
I, being made in the image of God a believer, a woman and a wife, having equal worth in God’s sight and equal access to the Lord as my husband, choose not to grasp after a position of equal leadership with my husband, which is not my God-given place, rather I choose by God’s grace to make myself nothing —taking on the very nature of a servant which was the attitude of Jesus. Desiring with all my heart to be humble like Him, I choose to be obedient to God’s command and submit to my husband and die to myself.  I understand that this decision will cause pain and suffering at times. But in those moments, may I all the more identify with my Lord. When the cross is hard to bear, I pray for the will to give Him the burden of my heart and learn to rest in Him. I trust God and His word and am confident that He will exalt me in hearing of one of his own who obeyed His will. By his grace I will receive my reward worshiping Him in His presence forever, confessing Jesus Christ as Lord to the glory of God the Father.

What a solemn, costly commitment to ponder.

What an example of a godly wife giving one’s life for someone else, as Christ did for us.

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Now it's time for 
Wednesday's Prayer Girls & Link-Up Party!

Each Wednesday I like to offer to pray for your non-confidential prayer request or praise in the comment section below. Please enter a prayer if you would like me to pray for you (and pray for one another!) and I will reply to your prayer there or if you just have a comment (click the word "COMMENT" located below my signature belos, under the colorful social media sharing squares:-)


If you're a Christian blogger, we all would love to see what you've been writing! Enter your blog link below to join the party! For readers, enjoy the blog party below!


As always, I'd love to connect with you wherever you most like on: FacebookTwitterInstagramPinterest, Youtube or Google+You may follow my blog here or on Bloglovin'. 

Walk by Faith,


  1. Praising God for the publishing team at Ambassador International: Tim Lowry, Sam Lowry, Alison Storm & all the team at Ambassador! & for my very patient literary agent, Blythe Daniel. May we be Christ's ambassador's together! Also asking for prayer for my husband who is having shoulder surgery this week!

    1. Thank you Father for what you are doing and will do through Juana, her book & her story. Her story is Your story that you have given her. We lift up Juana's husband as he has shoulder surgery this week, prayers for pain relief and rapid healing!

    2. I had shoulder surgery in 2010, was not too bad. PT wasn't fun, but all is good today!

    3. Thank you, Jana for your kind words and for your prayers both for my husband and for me! I really appreciate it!

  2. So very excited for you, Juana! Perfect example of God's timing & how He knows all the moving parts that we can't see & works them together into a beautiful tapestry or in your case, a glorious book!!!

    1. Thank you, Emily, for your beautiful note! Most of all Em, thank you for your long friendship!

  3. A little news? A LITTLE news? A LITTLE NEWS?! Now that's the understatement of the year. I am doing the Snoopy dance for you. Hooray! I'd love to do a review for you on my blog. Just let me know. I'd love to help spread the word :)

    1. You are so dear, Lori! And may I add influential? If you will take a peek, I changed the title of today's blog after getting your comment! Thank you, Lori for offering to review Don't Dump Him on your blog! Yesserrrrieeee! When the time comes, probably next fall!

  4. Oh Juana! Many congratulations on the publication of your book! So much work, so many late nights, and here you are....an AUTHOR!! WOW! I hope you will still admit to knowing us when you become famous :)
    I am so glad that God gave you a wonderful agent and publisher to help you, and support you.
    Prayers for your husband will be said. I pray for a safe and effective surgery, and blessed healing.

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words about the book! And I must thank you again, Ceil for posting your blog faithfully on the link up! I so appreciate your prayers for my husband for the surgery Friday. He never is even sick, and he's a bit nervous!

  5. May God bless you in your book endeavor! It looks to be both a beautiful title & cover!

    1. Hi Joanne! Thank you for your blessings and kind words about the book! I really appreciate it!

  6. Praises that my husband & I will be Grandparents next June! Prayers for healthy baby and prayers of restoration and healing over our relationship with our son & DIL. I have been struggling the past few weeks and my mouth keeps getting me in trouble (not just w/son, but others too). Things not said intentionally, but things taken differently than intended. But they still hurt the person. Apologized and forgiven, but I am still suffering. Continued prayers for Wayne as he gets closer to another surgery, and prayers for Mary & her sons to have a place of their own soon.

    1. Congrats to you! Oh, boy! I'd love to pray for your loved ones, Jana! Heavenly Father, we praise you for this new life in the Hagan family! We pray for the little baby to be healthy, & we also request for sweet healing in the relationship with Jana's son and his wife. I pray for Jana that she will watch her tongue and be careful but we also ask for your grace, Lord to cover all that has transpired already. We also lift up Wayne for healing, and Mary to find a place to live in your time. Amen.

  7. Congratulations on your new book coming out! I'm excited to read it! God bless

    1. Thank you, Cathy! It means so much coming from you who knows SO much about Christian publications! Yikes, and I really appreciate your faithfulness of keeping in touch:-)

  8. I am looking forward to reading this book! So glad you shared it on the 'EOA' Wednesday link-up. may the Lord bless it greatly for His glory, Juana!

  9. PS I forgot to mention that I will feature this tonight on the new link-up :0 Blessings, friend!

    1. You are so dear Jacqueline! Thank you so much, I am honored to be featured on your beautiful, Christ-honoring blog!


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