Wednesday, October 17, 2012

I'll Keep Him(Husband) Prayer for Wives by Elisabeth Elliot!

Well, my timer beside me says I have 11 minutes to write to you, before I have to get up out of my seat and comb my hair and leave my house to be on time for the next thing. All I can think of is "hurry!" But wait, didn't I write you in day before yesterday's blog a quote from a wise man that lived in the 17th century named St. Francis de Sales that said never be in a hurry! Oh, my, yes I did! OK, slow down, Juana, take a deep breath, and calmly write the thought about marriage I wanted to share with you today.

Those breaths felt good.

Here we go again, only this time, I am not going to write to you as a blogging maniac but in a spirit of peace for what was it Francis de Sales said after not being in a hurry?  He said to do everything quietly and with a calm spirit. He said for us not to lose our inward peace for anything whatsoever, even if our whole world seems to be upset! Ahhhh, this must be what the "1 Thessalonians Chapter 4:11 life" is speaking of about making it our ambition to "lead a quiet life." (that is one of my life verses! I desperately need it!)

I want to share this prayer for your marriage that I pray regularly that I learned from Elisabeth Elliot.  It is actually a prayer for the wives. I call it the "I’ll Keep Him Prayer":

 “Lord, he’s your man.  He’s the one you’ve given to me—his peculiarities and his personality, you gave me.  I’ll take it.  Help me Lord; show me ways, Lord, to make his life as pleasant and as easy as I can.  Now Lord, you work in him the changes You think need to be done.  Fulfill your purposes.  Help me to remember ‘in acceptance lieth peace.’” (Amy Carmichael on the inner quote).

Don't you love that? What not focus on our husband's strengths and ask God to make the changes in him that need to be made (oops, I'm typing faster and feel myself acting in a hurry again... deep breath... aaaahhh... that's better. They will always be time for what God wants me to do. If I "run out" of time, He must not have thought it was necessary.)

I was saying, why not pray to ask God to work the changes in our husbands that He thinks need to be done (as it not up to us to change them, we are not responsible for them---and not up to us to decide what needs changing anyway---that's God's business). So you see why I like that prayer so much. I am much more thankful and grateful when I pray it.

Guess what? The timer just went off. Back tomorrow. I want to tell the people tomorrow that live in the Raleigh area that I will be speaking on our marriage testimony in Raleigh at the Capital Community Church office on Wade Ave on Friday night, Oct 26. It is an event for men and women---like a "date night." I'd love to invite those in Raleigh to attend. More on that tomorrow!

I'm lifting you up to the Lord this very moment!

Walk by Faith,

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