Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Broken Marriage Mended Story

Whew! Busy Day! I'm at the periodontist with my son and he is actually in surgery! He'll be fine, he is getting a new tooth (well almost new, it's plastic I think!)

I was able to give my testimony this morning which always has me thinking about God's faithfulness. Here I was, 26, an unbeliever and didn't even know it. Terry and I were college sweethearts (we met the first Friday at school my first week of college and we dated the next 4 years!) I never had another date in college except my Terry. 

We married and at first we had the All-American marriage. Both of us had great jobs in sales with Fortune 500 companies. We both won annual sales recognition trips to wonderful cities. A lot of our college friends lived in town and we got together and grilled out with them on the weekends. Then, two years into the marriage, I became disillusioned. I felt that something was missing. I cried when I was idle. 

Terry would be getting ready to wash his car on beautiful Saturday mornings, and I would be crying saying I didn't want us to get divorced, and that something was missing.

I didn't know the 2 things that would prevent any two people from getting a divorce: seeking unity in the marriage and seeking the good of the other person.

I ended up leaving Terry just after turning 26. We were separated for 2 years. During that time, I became a Christian. I later wanted to reconcile with Terry, but by that point he no longer wanted to be married to me.

There's so much to tell, but not enough time here! (pray my agent locates a pubisher in God's timing!) 

We reconciled two years after separating. Terry became a Christian 7 years after me. 

I shutter to think all I would have missed had I not gotten on God's path! Next April, we will celebrate our 32 wedding anniversary.

A little bit over a year after our reconciliation we were blessed with our first child! We now have four beautiful children: Blair, John, Alex and Mary. (For new readers, Mary was born blind, her story is here.)

After I give my testimony, I often play this slide show with my favorite life verses. I know you couldn't be there this morning, so here's the slide show!!! Enjoy watching how God restored the years the locusts ate in my life! (Joel 2:25)

I'll be showing clips of the talk very soon on the blog, so it will really be like you were there too, no matter where you live! In the meantime, enjoy my life verses and pictures!
Walk by Faith,


  1. What a beautiful testimony Juana! God is so good, and I need to be reminded daily that He can transform ANY marriage! PTL!

    I found you from the Women Living Well blog :)

    1. Oh, Thank you, Janet for writing! So glad God used this post to remind you that He is in the transformation business!!

    2. Janet, I'd love you to post your blog every Wednesday on my Link-up party. Just go to


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