Friday, August 3, 2012

My Marriage Saved Story Mini-Version Part Three

Today I'm posting the conclusion to our story of how our marriage was reconciled, and my conversion to Christ. I realize you are surfing the internet—most likely on your phone—not curled up in a cozy chair reading a chapter of a book. You kindle people, hold on—there's good news.

I do have a book in the works that tells the whole story—to help those that are separated or facing separation or anyone who wants to see God's providential hand in a life. Going over what happened to us strengthens my faith.

In a nutshell to this point:

Marry my college sweetheart (neither of us are Christians).
Left my marriage at 26 years old. Done. End of Story.
Received Christ 7 months later.
Began reading Bible.
Life begins to change.
Things I thought were important and things I thought were not important totally reverse. (the biggest is the next thing on this list)
Told my husband I wanted to reconcile 2 months after that.
Husband decides doesn't want to be married to me.
Lived in turmoil, but had perfect peace and calmness on the inside (gift from Christ).
One year anniversary of my walking out goes by (not an anniversary I rejoice in or eat cake over)
Weeks go by
Months go by
More months go by
Repeat last entry a lot
God is working throughout all the last 4 entries, but it is unseen.

You Can Watch the Clip now, you're up to date twitter style.

Definition "Twitter" style: not a lot of words. This goes against my DNA code, but I do tweet.

If you have never received Christ, what are you waiting for? Dear friend, invite Him before you do anything else! It's not complicated. It cost Christ His life, but it is not complicated for you to enter in to life with Christ. You can do it twitter style! (not kidding)

Admit you sin and be genuinely sorry, tell Him. Receive His forgiveness. Thank Him that you are forgiven. Turn away from it. Put your trust in what He did when He died for you on the cross, and rose again. (You get new life NOW, by the power that raised Christ from the dead, now you are alive to him!) Read your Bible. Pray to Christ. He will help you. He loves you! (Romans 3:23, Romans 5:8, 1 John 1:9, 1 John 1:12)

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: 
The old has gone, the new is here! ~2 Corinthians 5:17

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