Friday, March 29, 2013

Good Friday—The Worst Day & The Best Day in One

           Below is an excerpt from my manuscript (not published yet) on Good Friday. Maybe you are like I was, and had never given it much thought. 

            On a never-to-be-forgotten October night, little did I know that the one night which I would later describe as the worst night of my life because it bore the worst decision of my life, would lead to the best decision of my life (for a little more, you can see my bio).
            The worst day of my life —somehow would be forever strangely linked to the best day of my life.  I had no idea that things were going to change forever, and not ever be quite the same again.  It now reminds me of a day I had not really ever given much thought of back at that time —other than possibly receiving a free day off school.  Good Friday.

            Good Friday.  The day Christians all across the ages from all over the world remember Jesus’ death on the cross.  It seems a strange name for such a sad day.  But at that time in my life, it didn’t really mean anything to me personally at all.
            Good Friday.  The worst day in human history, and now looking back on what I know now, strange to say, it’s the best day in human history.
            The day that Jesus was killed —the only One who never did anything wrong.  Some alleged criminals are imprisoned unjustly, I know, but Jesus never did anything wrong.  The Bible says He was without sin.  Crucifixion was a grueling way to die, reserved for criminals and renegades.   Over His head at His crucifixion was written an inscription:  “Jesus of Nazareth, The King of the Jews”—the charge for which He was dying.  He was crucified between two real criminals.  They were robbers.
            One of the robbers admitted they were getting what they deserved for their wicked deeds, saying of Jesus, “but this man has done nothing wrong.”[1]  As Jesus hung on the cross, with the criminals one on the left and one on the right, He said, “Father Forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.”[2]
            But what did Good Friday mean to me when I was twenty-six, except perhaps a long weekend?  My thoughts and actions showed where I stood:  I knew nothing of Calvary’s love.
            Cross necklaces.  Silver ones.  Gold Ones.  Large ones.  Small Ones.  A bizarre choice for a decoration to beautify one’s neck.  The cross: the symbol for an instrument of torture.  When Jesus Christ said, “It is finished,” he bowed his head, lowered his neck, for you and for me, and died.[3] His body hung lifelessly on the cross. 
            “If I have not compassion on my fellow servant even as my Lord had pity on me, then I know nothing of Calvary love.”[4]
            If I have not compassion on the man that I married even as my Lord had pity on me, then I know nothing of Calvary love.
            I did not write my story just to tell you a story, but to tell you the ultimate story.  For Christ died to pay the debt for me and for you.
            One author has stated,  “Sin will cost you more than you wanted to pay; it will take way more than you ever planned to give and it will lead you further than you ever wanted to go.”   Just think of the emotional cost of divorce—let alone the financial, spiritual, character and future cost.
            Perhaps you like me, had to enter a place of great difficulty in your life to show you your need for the Savior.
Could it be that your marriage is the very thing that God would use to bring you to complete dependence upon Him?
I think God gives us far more than we can handle!  He wants us to hand it over to Him: the One Who can handle it!  It then becomes, not our problem, but His problem.  He just wants us to trust and obey Him, and He does the work.  That is the life of Faith.  Hard? No! Difficult? No! Impossible? Yes!  The Christian life is impossible, as I have said earlier!  For the Bible tells us that Jesus said, “Apart from Me you can do nothing.”[5]  But the good news is —we don’t have to live apart from Him! 

[1] Luke 23:41b
[2] Luke 23:34
[3] John 19:30
[4] Amy Carmichael, If, (Zondervan, 1966), Part Two.
[5] John 15:5
Easter Choir practice last night with friends
Liz, Jim, me, Terry (my hubby who hates to take pictures:-) and Mary!
Six rehearsals and we're ready with 11 other singing church friends,
3 violins, keyboard, drums, 2 guitars & a trumpet! Can't wait for Sunday!
Happy Easter!

I have turned off comments and will turn them on just on Wednesdays for prayer and sharing your blog due to getting so much (ungodly) spam. You can always write me at juanamikels(at)gmail(dot)com.

Walk by Faith,