Thursday, October 10, 2013

Mary Sings Psalm 23 to Elisabeth Elliot & Will Sing October 24 for Mira Foundation USA Dinner In Raleigh, NC

I'm always so thankful for opportunities for my daughter, Mary, to be able to sing. Eric Liddell, Olympic runner, once said, "When I run, I feel God's pleasure." I love hearing Mary sing, because I know God created her to sing His praises for the "praise of His glory."

"We who first hoped in Christ have been destined 
and appointed to live for the praise of His glory." 
-Ephesians 1:12

Think of it! God's ultimate purpose is to bring glory to Himself  and one way He does that is through our lives!

Worship the living Creator today as we listen to a 15 second clip of Mary singing in church last Sunday, followed by a sweet time of fellowship as Mary softly sang Psalm 23 in our sunroom to dear Elisabeth Elliot—now in her eighties. Elisabeth, who has endured much in her life, is a woman who has lived a lifetime for His glory!

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Let's join Elisabeth and Mary—remembering throughout the day today—that we live for "the praise of His glory," no matter what age we are or circumstance we face!

What do you know that you were born to do in Jesus' name? 

Serve Him as a wife? Called to be a mother? Called to be single for His glory, at least for today? Being the best student you can be? May we together resolve to live for "praise of His glory," one day at a time!

Mary will be singing on Thursday evening, October 24 for the Mira Foundation USA "Dining in the Dark" Dinner in Raleigh, North Carolina (we all begin meal blindfolded!) Mira provides guide dogs for blind children. Mary is not getting one, but supports Mira as they help other blind children. If you would like to attend, contact me at juanamikels(at)gmail(dot)com. There is no charge for dinner. There will be silent Mira donation envelopes available.
Walk by Faith,


  1. Wow, that was beautiful! What a gift she has. Thanks for sharing. : )

  2. Thank YOU Cathy for stopping by, and letting me know you enjoyed hearing Mary sing! Blessings to you!


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