Monday, September 23, 2013

Former LGBT Woman's Train Wreck Conversion Story: A 180° Turn

To me, there's nothing that quite compares to hearing the story of a changed life. Today I want you to meet a beautiful, courageous woman named Rosaria.

Dr. Rosaria Butterfield
Rosaria is a Pastor's wife and a mother—homeschooling her younger two children. A former English professor who received tenure the same year she received Christ, Dr. Rosaria Butterfield recently spoke on her former homosexuality, feminism, university culture, and the gospel integrity that shone through the lives of Christian neighbors and friends. I have the link of the talk for you below.

Over a decade ago, she had written a controversial public article which spurred a good bit of mail. She placed each response into one of two boxes: hate mail and fan mail. Oddly, there was one letter that fell into neither category from a man named Ken Smith. She threw it into the trash. She later retrieved it. It was the beginning of a long journey.

I won't spoil the talk!  You can hear her entire talk complete with questions from the audience at the end here

Rosaria's testimony reminded me of the complete grace of God, and challenged me to pray for opportunities to engage in other's lives with the real, tangible love of Christ in friendship.

You can find her book, The Secret Thoughts of an Unlikely Convert here.

"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. 
The old has passed away; behold, the new has come." -2 Corinthians 5:17

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Walk by Faith,

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