Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Check out my Website/Blog Makeover!

Welcome to my new blog and website look!

It's simple.

          It's all in one place.

               I want it easy to talk with you.

I can now post a blog from my phone. You can connect with me by clicking on any of the colorful buttons on the top left column, or just click the buttons below to try it out!

So what's new under the navigational tabs at the top of the page? 

 •I've expanded my speaking tab to include a list of available topics

 •I've included the next speaking event with the local contact information—I may be near you!

 •I've included the video clips you've asked for on "Mary's Story" of her singing (also on my YouTube)

What else is new?

(on the left-hand column you will see:)

You can follow my blog with the yellow RSS button or the bloglovin badge

•Live feed to last 3 Twitter posts, great for those not on Twitter

•Live feed to last Facebook post 

•Live feed to last 3 Instagram photos 

•Live feed to last video I posted on Socialcam

•You can "grab my button" for your blog or your online post (thank you!)

Is there anything you can do to make this a better blog?

Yes! Let me know your input even if you disagree with me. I like to know what you think of my writing. I love it when you your perpective, and when you tell me what you want to talk about.

Can you browse any of the old blogs? 

 Yes! Just click "Archives" Tab under my flower banner, and you'll see they are all there. 

Speaking of flowers, a HUGE thank you to artist Rebecca Patman Chandler for allowing me to use her flowers for my new design or "branding" as it is called in the social media world. 

I love her whimsical flowers and colors! I love being "branded" for Christ. Christians should be the happiest people on the planet, for we KNOW we can't make it on our own and that we need a savior. 

May her brush help you sense the beauty of the Lord—even before you had read a single word of the blog. May it prepare your heart for what God had me write about the day of your visit.
I'm so glad you're here! God wants to speak to YOU, not someone else, but you! I want to, too.

Your fellow servant of Christ, and sister, 

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