For Bloggers

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Thank you for joining me for the "Choosing Him All Over Again" blog tour! On this page you will find all the details you need to participate in the tour: Writing Prompts, sample tweets, beautiful banners and everything you need to make your blog post a success. I'm looking forward to spreading the news that the Gospel of Jesus Christ has the power to transform lives and marriages, as it did mine and hope you'll join me in shining for Jesus on the web about hope for marriages.


Page Info - at a Glance

  • Book Details
  • How the Blog Tour Works
  • Topic Prompts
  • How to Submit a Post
  • When to Submit a Post
  • Banners/Pins/Book Art
  • Checklist
  • Social Media
  • Questions


How the Blog Tour Works

The blog tour will take place January 5th through 31th. We suggest any of the following prompts which are aligned with the book's message that our part is to trust God and His is to work; with God all things are possible—and that He is the power that changes lives and marriages.

You can give a review of the book (if you've read it), write about one of the above themes or  all six. While the blog tour will run January 5-31, and you will be assigned a week (you pick a day that week) for a blog post. You can still contribute additional posts through the end of the month, or even before your day so feel free to write more than one. You do not need any special permission to blog or use any of the art or pins on this page. Feel free to write about any of the topics we are covering or you may combine them.

How to Submit a Post

Follow this link to upload your blog post to our Blog Tour Page HERE. (

We will promote the Blog Tour page via social media and hope to send new readers to your blog every week to help share that with God all things are possible and that the Gospel of Jesus Christ has the power to changes lives and marriages in practical ways.

When to Submit a Post in January

For January, for one of your posts (or could be your only one if you only post once), if your first name begins with (mark your calendar with a day that week to write and post it!):
  • A-B post the week of January 5 (week 1)
    {Plus Courtney Joseph, Sheila Wray Gregoire, Jennifer Smith, Tara Furman, Emily Fountain, Holly Yancey & Russ Andrews, yes we have a godly man posting with us!}
  • C-J post the week of January 12 (week 2)
    {Plus Jolene Engle & Amberly}
  • K-P post the week of January 19 (week 3)
  • Q-Z post the week of January 26 (week 4)
  • Can I also post now or after January? Or more than one time in January? You do not have to wait until January to post a blog on Choosing Him. You may post now, and share your link on the Blog Tour Page, and our Group Pinterest Board. In January, please post using the below guidelines to please post at least one blog post in January, and then posting it to our Blog Tour , and group Pinterest Board if you are a Pinterest user (If you need help on how to post to blog tour linkup, email or and we can post it for you, or help you.). But you may post as many posts as you like if you wrote on different topics in the book! You don't have to only post once. The Blog Tour Page LinkUp will be open until February 28, 2015 so you may want to post again around Valentines or several times in January.

Banners/Pins/Book Art

Use any of these banners and pins on your blog & social media to promote your post and the blog tour. 


















Book Details

A handsome husband, a dream job, and plenty of money- so why wasn't Juana Mikels happy? In a desperate attempt to find the peace and happiness she craved Mikels left it all behind. In Choosing Him All Over Again: A Story of Romance & Redemption, (Ambassador International; January 2014; $14.99, paperback) Mikels offers an intimate account of her search for Mr. Right, a journey that ended up leading her into the arms of Jesus, and ultimately back home to her husband. 

Mikels not only includes a candid recount of her own marriage struggles in Choosing Him All Over Again, but she interviewed more than 40 people, all of whom had been separated or divorced at one time. "It is my prayer that you will be encouraged and able to love your husband and to choose him again," writes Mikels. "It is my delight to share my history with you because my story is a story of God's grace." 

Choosing Him All Over Again includes strikingly honest accounts of Mikels' personal experience of separation from her husband and their ultimate reconciliation. Mikels offers wives 11 checkpoints for refreshing any marriage including saying 'I love you' daily, not bringing up past failures and praying for your husband every day. The book provides free resources like prayers Mikels prays for her husband, a note to Christian women married to unbelievers or married to Christian men who are not acting as believers should and access to a FREE downloadable companion Bible study guide

Checklist - Do this BEFORE you hit Publish!

1. INTRO - let the world know that you are part of the Choosing Him Blog Tour. Use this blurb or feel free to edit in your own style*:

This post is part of the Choosing Him Blog Tour which I am delighted to be a part of along with nearly one hundred other inspiring Christian bloggers. To learn more and join us, CLICK HERE! (

2. OUTRO -  Use this blurb or feel free to edit in your own style*:

Juana Mikels wrote her own story of how God saved her marriage along with practical teaching on faith and marriage written out of her own failure, pointing us all to Jesus Christ who has the power to change lives and marriages. You can get a copy here HERE. ( or on Kindle HERE.

*If you edit these be sure to keep the links to the Blog Tour and the Book in your Intro and Outro.

3. BANNER OR BLOG BUTTON -  Choose fro the pins and banners available here and make sure that at least one is included in your post. You can also add the blog button to your sidebar.

4. SCHEDULE A TWEET/FB/PINTEREST UPDATE - tell the world you are part of the tour and share your post with your followers.  

Social Media

Our hashtag for all book related tweeting will be: #ChoosingHim and #JuanaMikels. Feel free to use them whenever you promote your post and Juana's twitter handle is @JuanaMikels. Feel free to tweet her with your posts and comments throughout the blog tour. She'll be shouting out back to you.


Twitter Party, Monday morning, January 5th, at 9am PST/noon EST

  • I wrote about (INSERT YOUR TOPIC) for the #ChoosingHim booktour (LINK TO YOUR POT)  #JuanaMikels
  • I am joining the #ChoosingHim blog tour (LINK TO YOUR POST) #JuanaMikels
  • Want to know where the power comes from to change your life and marriage? (LINK TO YOUR POST) #ChoosingHim #JuanaMikels


You can use any of the pins and banners above to post a link to your blog post on Facebook. Feel free to create your own updates and pins.

Here are some sample Facebook updates:
  • So excited to join Juana Mikels and the Choosing Him Book Tour with my blog about (INSERT YOUR BLOG TOPIC) this week. We are promoting the message that the Gospel of Jesus Christ can change lives and marriages and yours can be one of them! Read about it here: (LINK TO YOUR POST)
  • If you want to discover 11 ways to refresh your marriage as found in the new Choosing Him All Over Again book, check out my post: (LINK TO YOUR POST).


Join our Group Board on Pinterest to pin a link to your blog post and any pins you created while reading Choosing Him All Over Again book. You should have received an invitation to Click here ( to go to the group board.

Still have questions?

Write to Amy Talbott at or and we will point you in the right direction.

One woman's 

search for Mr. Right took her straight into the arms of Jesus.



What Other People are Saying

“God writes the best love stories—and Juana’s is one of the best! When Juana was trying to write her love story, she failed miserably. But when she turned it over to God, He did the impossible.” SHEILA WRAY GREGOIRE Inspirational Speaker, blogger

“Juana is a lovely and godly woman who speaks from her heart, personally and honestly to her audience. She glorifies God with her honesty and candidness, and draws her listeners in with Truth and Grace from the Spirit who lives in her. I highly recommend her to you!”
VALERIE ELLIOT SHEPARD Author of Pilipinto’s Happiness, daughter of Jim and Elisabeth Elliot

“Choosing Him is a transparent testimony of the power of God to change lives and marriages. Juana so beautifully weaves her story of brokenness as she unravels the mystery of God’s way in marriage. God used Juana’s search to find herself—to find Him! And now, she is sharing all the wisdom she learned on her journey with us! I believe marriages will be saved and changed for God’s glory with the message of this book.”
COURTNEY JOSEPH, Author of the book Women Living Well and blogger at

“A stirring love story beginning with Christ’s pursuit.”

“Juana Mikels leads us through an incredible message of hope. There is no marriage that’s beyond the scope of God’s redeeming power. With a blend of wisdom and warmth, Choosing Him All Over Again reminds us that marriage is worth fighting for.”
DARLENE SCHACHT, Author of Messy Beautiful Love: Hope and Redemption for
Real-Life Marriages

“Juana writes from her heart as she exposes her journey of marriage brokenness and reconciliation, giving readers hope for their future and the motivation to embrace true intimacy with God. This story is captivating because Juana details her thoughts and emotions which led her to walk away from her marriage for a time—thoughts and emotions that many wives encounter daily. Her honesty and transparency is a rare treasure, allowing others the chance to relate and not feel so alone in marital struggles. Juana’s words are full of life-giving encouragement, just the kind of inspiration couples desperately need today.”
JENNIFER SMITH, Author of The Unveiled Wife and Wife After God

“Juana is real, she is honest, and she constantly points you back to the only One who brings hope, joy, and peace—Jesus Christ. You will leave with a deeper understanding that God’s plan is always best and He brings beauty out of our brokenness.”
LEANNE BURDA, Writer, Blogger, Speaker, Women’s Ministry

“Dumping her husband for the ‘good life,’ Juana Mikels decided she could create a much better life on her own, so she took off . . . heading the wrong way down a one-way street. Then Juana crashed . . . right into Jesus and His plan for her life.
Finally, after so much ‘me-ism,’ she came face to face with Jesus and His Word. When she gave her life to Him, her parallel path with Him began. She, without realizing it, started what would become an intense love relationship with her Lord and Savior. She kept up her pace with Jesus, and miracles began on the other path. This book is a life changer. Juana’s story is for every woman: single or married!”
NANCY COBB, Author of The Politically Incorrect Wife and How to Get Your
Husband to Listen to You

“Juana bares her soul as she shares her story of pain and heartache with great transparency. Not knowing where to turn due to her broken marriage, she turned to Jesus Christ, and what she found was not just hope, but redemption, grace, and love. As Juana sought to live a Christ-centered life, the Lord blessed her with a thriving, Christ-centered marriage. Juana’s message will definitely encourage and equip many wives with hurting marriages.”
JOLENE ENGLE, Owner and author of, Founder of, and best-selling author of Wives of the Bible

“Hearing Juana’s story of God’s grace in her life deepened my love for the gospel and gave me a sense of peace regarding God’s sovereignty over all of life’s struggles. I especially appreciate how Juana speaks to women from all walks of life: single, married, young, advanced in years, mothers, believers, and unbelievers. I am excited to see how the Lord will continue to use Juana and her gifts for His glory.”
RACHEL LEE BRADY, Principal, RLB Public Affairs, LLC

“Juana Mikels is a delightfully gifted speaker who instantly captivates her audience. Whether she is demonstrating tangible ideas for creating family traditions or sharing poignant experiences from her unique journey with Christ, Juana is able to deliver a clear message that conveys her love of Christ through insightful, biblical wisdom in an approachable style, laced with humor and practicality.”
SALLIE HITE MCDANIEL, Author of Jesus is My Thesis

“God has gifted Juana and guided her fingers as she typed. He has given her a beautiful story of romance and redemption. I have laughed, cried, been convicted and helped. Some of your lessons were just what I needed as I read them.”
PAMELA BUNN, Wife of 34 years, former Teaching Leader and Area Advisor for BSF International, current Board member for BSF International

“Juana’s messages always point us to Jesus, the One who knows us so personally and knows how to meet each of us right where we are. In everyday life’s joys and hardships, she reminds us of His unending love and constant presence with His beloved children.”
ANNE STANCIL, Pastor’s Wife, Former Women’s Ministry Director,
Providence Baptist Church

“Juana is a role model of Christ-like loving. She offers authenticity, transparency, and wisdom as she teaches truth and application to others. She inspires us to live our lives to glorify Christ.”
JAYNE HODGES, Marriage Mentor Ministry Coordinator, Capital Community Church

“Juana Mikels was the keynote speaker at our women’s retreat in March of 2013. Our women loved her honest sharing, her personal testimony of God’s grace in her life, as well as her warm and vibrant personality. By the end of the weekend, it felt like Juana was part of our church family!”
JENNIFER MORGAN, Retreat Director, Christ Covenant Church of Raleigh

“Juana opens your eyes to truth, bringing tears to your eyes yet joy to your heart.”
LINDA R. MORRIS, Chairman, Community Christian Fellowship

“Juana’s story brings light and hope into God’s design for marriage. If you are less than content in your marriage, I encourage you to open the pages of this book and allow God to minister to your heart. It is my belief that those who read the words of Juana’s heart will be taken on a journey that will strip you down bare—allowing God to make you whole—and in turn make your marriage all you desire it to be.”
CARLIE KERCHEVAL, Founder of, Co-Author of Learning to Speak Life: Fruit of the Spirit

“There are certain people who stand out as guideposts in your spiritual life, pointing you in the right direction. Juana has been that for me, constantly pointing me back to truth.”
AMY TALBOTT , Blogger at

Order Today!

You can order off Amazon HERE ( or at your local bookstore! 

You can also order off Kindle HERE ( 
FREE downloadable companion Choosing Him Bible Study Guide is HERE (

And a huge thank you to blogger, author Fawn Weaver who sent us the templat
for how to host a Book Blog Tour! ♥

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