Thursday, September 13, 2012

Learning My Baby Was Born Blind ~ Trusting God

In our series on Trusting God, and seeing God in everything, I'm posting this video clip to tell you the story of learning that my baby was born totally blind. (forward clip to 1:47 to begin story)

This current series on trusting God continues on Mondays and Thursdays. So—as they say in tv land—to be continued...For new readers, I blog on other topics like marriage or organization on most other days. (If I don't have anything to say, I just skip that day so I don't waste your time!) You can see my bio for more. So glad you joined us!

I hope you just watched the video! I was not in confusion when my daughter was born blind by God's grace, but perhaps there are some out there who are.

For those in confusion in your spiritual life, hang on to God confidently even if you don't understand and think He seems to you as if He was uncaring, unkind, and totally indifferent to you!

I wanted you to have this great word today from Oswald Chambers on how God is leading you:
"...taking you by a way which in the meantime you do not understand, and it is only by going through the confusion that you will get at what God wants...He will ultimately give you His clear revealing and justify Himself in all that He permitted...Stand in faith believing... though in the meantime you do not understand what He is doing."

You don't have to understand him to obey Him!

It's like we only get to see the underside of the tapestry; it's full of knots. God is working it all out into a beautiful design! 

"There are very few crises in life; the great crisis is the surrender of the will"
~ Oswald Chambers

"Weeping may remain for a night, but joy comes in the morning." 
~Psalm 30:5

"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, 
who have been called according to his purpose." 
~Romans 8:28

We walk by faith, not by sight,


  1. Juana, I admire your faith and courage. Thank you for sharing.

  2. And you, Robin, have encouraged me, with you "likes" & comments...It's like iron sharpening iron! OOXX Juana


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